活動時間 加入行事曆

2024-11-23 (六) 10:30 ~ 12:00


Global Stage 國際舞台

主辦單位 flyingVest Ventures 曙光網路新創加速器


flyingVest Ventures 與 Meet Taipei 攜手推出國際論壇:「Bridging Borders: Unlocking Southeast Asian Business Opportunities in the Digital Economy and AI Era」,聚焦東南亞數位經濟與 AI 發展,誠邀您一起探索東南亞(SEA)市場的巨大潛力,為台灣新創企業開拓嶄新機會。

本次論壇匯聚來自新加坡、馬來西亞與台灣的重量級嘉賓,包括馬來西亞新創生態的重要推手——創投及加速器 NEXEA 的創辦人兼執行長 Ben Lim,專注於智慧財產權(IP)投資銀行服務的 Piece Future 創辦人 Jason Loh,以及專注大東南亞市場創業者社群建立及投資的台灣領先早期風投機構 AppWorks Ventures 投資人 Michelle Lin。論壇將深度剖析進入東南亞市場的策略要點,探討如何透過數位經濟趨勢推動商業成長,並分享 AI 整合創新實戰經驗。

活動將於 Meet Taipei 盛會的國際舞台上舉行,為新創生態系的夥伴們提供與國際級講者互動的難得機會,深入了解東南亞市場脈動,並在會後自由交流,激發無限商機。誠摯邀請對創新、跨國合作有興趣的夥伴共同參與,攜手開創跨境合作新篇章!

flyingVest Ventures, in collaboration with Meet Taipei, is hosting "Bridging Borders: Unlocking Southeast Asian Business Opportunities in the Digital Economy and AI Era." This event focuses on the rapid development of the digital economy and AI in Southeast Asia (SEA) and invites you to explore the vast potential of SEA markets, offering new opportunities for Taiwanese and overseas startups.

The forum will feature distinguished speakers from Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan, including Ben Lim, Founder and CEO of NEXEA, Jason Loh, Founder of Piece Future, and Michelle Lin at AppWorks Ventures, Taiwan’s leading VC focused on the GSEA market. The discussions will delve into key strategies for entering the SEA market, leveraging digital economy trends for business growth, and practical insights into integrating AI for innovation.

Held on the international stage at Meet Taipei, this forum provides a rare opportunity for stakeholders in the startup ecosystem to engage directly with top-tier international speakers, gain a deeper understanding of the SEA market, and network freely afterward, unlocking limitless business opportunities. We sincerely invite those passionate about innovation and cross-border collaboration to join us in creating the next chapter in global cooperation!

活動議程 Agenda

10:30 - 11:00 活動報到 Registration
11:00 - 11:40 國際論壇(英文進行)Panel Discussion
11:40 - 12:00 自由交流媒合 Open Networking

主辦單位:flyingVest Ventures 曙光網路新創加速器

成立於2020年,flyingVest Ventures 曙光網路新創加速器具有豐富創投經驗與群眾募資經驗,經歷十年打造曙光網路創業生態系統,鏈結新創在商業發展過程所需的關鍵資源。

致力於創造能驗證生產、行銷與商業模式的整合平台,與亞洲首屈一指的群眾集資平台 flyingV 攜手合作,已累積管理超過50億投資額的經驗,整合「股權投資、群眾募資、電子商務、供應鏈網絡、創意空間」五大領域經驗值。

flyingVest Ventures 曙光網路新創加速器為新創夥伴在「創新、市場、募資」三大面向,聚焦「生技醫療、AIoT、5G 數據、消費性電子」四大領域產業,提供創業家得以實踐的商業策略方針,陪伴新創企業起步即快速紮穩腳步,加速新創品牌邁入全球化。


Ben Lim

Ben Lim


CEO & Founder

Jason Loh

Jason Loh

Piece Future


Michelle Lin

Michelle Lin





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